Customised Orthotics
We can fit customised Orthotics to a variety of footwear types:
Sports shoes/trainers and business/dress shoes. Our Orthotics are Custom Medical Orthotics which are compatible with both biomechanics and neuromotor aspects of lower extremity function.
Our Orthotics will:
- Improve Gait
- Enhance proprioception
- Improve stability & balance
- Optimise plantar pressure
- Activate stabilising muscles
- Reduce tissue stress
- Treat & prevent injuries
Prices Start at £150 for Assessment, Fitting of a single pair of Orthotics and one Follow up Consultation/Adjustment. Multi purchase prices apply for a variety of footwear types.
Functional Assessment
The function of the Patients lower limb is assessed using 6 tests.
Treatment Method
The Orthotics are adjusted and heat moulded into your footwear on the same day based on the outcome of the 6 tests.